November 2nd - Thankful for Peace Within

Today should have been a perfect day...Scott took the day off, Paisley slept until 7:15am, and the sun was shining bright.  I should have woken up like a well-rested, happy Momma.  Instead, you could say I just got up on the wrong side of the bed.  I've had this stuffy nose/cough thing for a few days and I'm over it.  My grandparents are elderly and their rapid deterioration is more than I can stomach.  We just past the two-year anniversary of losing our first baby.  I burned 24 cookies in the oven (not just burned, scorched).  My sweet toddler kept throwing his toys in the trashcan.  And the straw the broke the camels back, when I tried to call my mom because I just needed to hear her voice, the connection of my phone was so bad that she couldn't hear me.  Pity Party for one.

I cried.  I texted my mom and sister telling them I was a wreck.  Throw in the fact that I'm throwing a party tomorrow and I just wanted everything to be perfect.  All I wanted was to be able to breathe through my nose, my grandparents to return to the way they were 10 years ago, and for perfect chocolate chip cookies.  Is that really too much to ask?

I made me some coffee (pumpkin spice), I whipped up another batch of cookies, I texted my Mom and Sister some more, and then Scott took us to dinner where I enjoyed fried chicken and stuffing.  The sunny sky faded to starlight and Paisley fell asleep in my arms.  I had a chance to look back at my day.  Nothing tragic happened, it was just a day with a few bumps.  Maybe I just needed a good cry?  By talking to my family and sweet husband, by holding our precious boy, I have now shaken that emotional cloud that consumed me for a better part of the day.  My sunny days wouldn't be as sunny if I didn't have the cloudy days to compare them too.  So even for my cloudy days...I give thanks.  (Dear cloudy days-just because I give you thanks doesn't mean I want you to return any time soon!  Love, Kara)

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  1. I really DO think there is something up with the moon and the stars and the earth or SOMETHING right now, because there are far too many people having these bouts of tears... Glad you found the peace after lady. Just wish it could come more easily!


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