
Showing posts from August, 2012

Little Fish Turns One!!!

From then... to now...  This is the 12th post I've created detailing the happenings of our little fish...12 months of sharing our home, our hearts, everything we have with this tiny miracle.  12 months have come and gone in the blink of eye...12 months of tears, laughter, sleepless nights, countless snuggles, and unconditional love.  These past 12 months have been indescribable. Birth Stats          12 Month Stats 6lbs. 5.9oz           20 lbs. 7oz. 19 inches long     30  3/4th inches long This lucky little boy got to celebrate his birthday on 3 different occasions, but the birthday celebrations deserve a blog of their that will come shortly!  In the meantime, here is what our 1 year old has been up to; Dancing (Baby boy LOVES dancing/music!) Walking Playing (This kid will push a truck, shoe, or onesie all over the house and back, while making truck noises) Growing his bottom 2 teeth Growing his top 2 teeth Cutting Molars Pointing out objects "mon

Dear Paisley Andrew

January 6, 2011 is the day your father and I found out you were planning to join our family.  We sat on the couch and alternated between laughing and freaking out.  At that very second, our hearts filled with so much love for you.  It's unbelievable how much you can love someone that you have never met. While you were just the size of an appleseed, your father and I were already making plans for the Fish3 and planning the rest of our lives around you.  In May we found out that it was in your best interest for me to take it easy and go on bed rest.  While I knew bedrest wouldn't be easy, I would have done anything in the world to protect you.  Before I ever laid eyes on you, I had already turned in to the protective mother bear.  I like to think we bonded long before you were ever born as I laid on the couch singing and talking to you. The morning of August 17th as I was rushed in to the operating room, my heart was racing, but I knew you were going to be fine.  I knew eac

Birthday Party Nashville Style

First and foremost I will always be a wife and Momma. However, look past the sleepy eyes, unbrushed hair, and the sparkling wedding ring, and there's me, Kara Elizabeth, the girl that loves traveling, laughing, and living in the million moments that make up the day. Cheers!!! Recently I took a "girls" trip to Nashville with 6 other fun and fabulous girls to celebrate the birth of our dear friend KW.  Up until this point, I had left P alone with my parents so Scott and I could have a little alone time.  However, this would be my first overnight without either boy.  *Gulp*  The night before I left, I totally had mixed emotions about leaving them and even had some guilt about going.  "Should I not go?" I asked Scott repeatedly.  I think he was actually glad when I finally left so he wouldn't have to keep telling me I "needed" to go have some fun with the girls.  One glass of champagne and we are already doubled over in laughter Once we got i

St. Louis Getaway!!

As Scott and I were nearing our  2nd year anniversary, we were all across the map on where we should vacation and what we should do.  Before we became parents, it was no big deal to hop a plane and vacation in what ever location struck out fancy.  Since becoming parents, we are very conscience about taking trips that even the smallest fish finds enjoyable.  After checking flights and googling a million different ideas, we decided to turn our anniversary celebration into a family friendly, long weekend, drivable mini-vacation. Packed and ready to go!! One of the perks of living in Southern Indiana is that Nashville, Louisville, Indianapolis and St. Louis are all within a quick 2-3 hour drive.  Scott and I had spent our very 1st anniversary as a couple in St. Louis, so that location holds a special place in our hearts.  We thought it was fitting to take our little dumplin with us to experience the city. The Arch As we drove to St. Louis on a Friday, we got stuck in bumper to bu