November 21, My Time

Night night angel
Scott is away for the night and I just laid Paisley down to sleep.  My cranberry candle is burning, the Hallmark channel is playing Christmas movies, and I'm sporting my flannel pjs.  Besides the cheerful dialog on the television the house is silent.  It's "my" time.

I read on another blog that after 8pm, the mom of the family is "off duty" until morning.  I adopted this policy in our house as well.  This means that at 8pm, I turn off the kitchen light, laundry folding and sorting comes to a halt, and I take my place on the couch, in my sewing chair, or head to the shower.  It's now "my" time.

It's not often that Scott is away for the night and I don't necessarily like that my toothbrush looks so lonely in the holder.  On the other hand, a night without having to watch the Speed station is quite enjoyable.   For those few quiet hours in the evening when I can focus on me, watch Hallmark movies until I can't keep my eyes open, or flip through an entire magazine uninterrupted....I give thanks!

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