
Showing posts from June, 2015

Full Friday

It's early.  Scott has already left for work and the babies are still snoozing in their beds.  As I sip my iced coffee and look out over the sunrise coming up above the cornfields, my heart swells with love and happiness from all that surround me. It's a typical Friday but feels as special as a holiday weekend.  Scott started a new job a couple weeks ago.  With the raise in pay comes the raise in responsibilities.  His hours have gotten longer and the demands are greater.  In those few short weeks we've had to adjust our lives and learn our new normal.  Dinner is on the table a little later, the kids get less time with Scott before bed, and I'm up a good hour earlier to have a few moments with Scott before he leaves for work.  It's hard.  I wouldn't say I like it, but we're doing it.  We're taking the time when he is home and squeezing every bit of it with 2 hands. Birthday dinner This week has been hot.  Southern Indiana isn't holding back a

The Month of May

The busy month of May brought a few changes to our family that made me both happy and sad. Baby P Lovely L After 4 years of having a high chair at our table, we have rid ourselves of the well loved (stained) plastic chair that held our babies as they learned to eat.  We used the same chair for P and L and decided that we didn't "need" it any longer.  Lila has been moved into a booster and Paisley sits in a normal chair.  I like the extra space we have around the table now, but it was a little bittersweet to see it go. I've retired the diaper bag.  For 4 years I've slung around brightly colored Vera Bradley bags, carrying clothes, diapers, toys, snacks, drinks, and occasionally a lone shoe.  These days I leave our home carrying a simple purse, one that doesn't have room for everything including the kitchen sink.  I admit that I miss feeling like I am prepared for anything (including whipping up simple meals to sterilizing a small child that I deem d

A Vacation for Me

Written as I sat on a plane heading to Tampa Stormy Tampa Last night I took a little more time getting the babies to bed.  Singing just a little softer, holding them a little tighter, and stealing an extra kiss or two.  They understand that I am leaving for a few days, but they haven't experienced more than a day of their lives without me.  It's harder on me than them for sure. Scott drove me to Louisville this morning, holding my hand in his.  The babies played in the backseat, Lila frequently chanting "my mommy my mommy..."  The sky was blue and bright as the trees and grass were green.  Internally I felt sick leaving the 3 most precious people in my life and yet excited to take a few days for myself, soaking in sunshine and walking along the cool ocean waters. While I lived in Wyoming I always wished I could split myself in two, allowing myself to spend time with family in Indiana while living my laid back life in the mountains.  I find myself wishing to