
Showing posts from 2013

The Terrible Two's

Well they are called the terrible two's for a reason.... Who you calling terrible?? and sometimes I don't know whether to laugh or cry Laughing is better... I have to remind myself that he is only two (and 4 months)... and he doesn't really mean it when he screams, hits, acts irrational, throws his toys, refuses to give mommy a hug, doesn't eat his dinner, protests bedtime, responds "no" when asked to do something, and takes toys from his sister. My littles Just when I think that my sweet boy has been replaced with a tiny terroristic ninja that lives in my house and makes demands, I will feel two thin arms wrap around my legs and give me a hug.  I will catch him giving his sister a hug and kiss when he thinks no one is watching.  He'll say "Fank you mommy (thank you mommy)" when I hand him a drink.  He can be so loving and sweet causing my heart to melt and feel guilty for getting mad at him for the terrible two behaviors. We

4 Months as My Daughter

Ankles? What ankles? Birth                     4 Months 7lbs 5oz                14lbs 11oz 19.5 inches             25+ inches Four months was the most difficult for Baby P and it seems to be the same for lil Lila.  My one wake up per night has turned into 4-5 times a night.  And she is eating every time!  I'd love to say that I am getting some sleep because Scott is giving her a bottle...but lil Lila still won't take a bottle.  Trying to give her a bottle elicits a response I imagine is similar to victims of water boarding.  She hates it. Happy Baby She gets up for the day at roughly 8am.  I'll hear her talking and cooing and through my sleep deprived eyes, I watch her smile from ear to ear as she sees her mommas head peer over the crib.  I love that part of the day.  I scoop her up and cover her chubby cheeks with warm kisses.  She buries her head into my neck and hair and coos as though she is so happy to see me. While Paisley and I eat breakfast, Lil

...and then she was 3 (months that is)

At Birth                                  3 Months    7lbs 5oz                               13lbs 14oz                                 19.5 inches                            23+ inches  (I can't find my measuring stick) I almost can't handle this cute little face.  I can't hold her without rubbing my nose over her head, breathing in her sweet baby smell. Her fuzzy fine hair tickles my nose as it passes over. My lips continually find their way to her soft chubby cheeks. I firmly kiss each one before planting a kiss on her tiny button nose. She looks at me with her doe like blue eyes and a gummy smile springs to her face. I can't get enough of this baby.  Little dolly is changing by the minute. However, she is a mommas girl and I don't see that changing anytime soon. She refuses to take a bottle so I don't stray to far from her. She'll refuses a bottle,  refuses a pacifier, but give her your finger and she'll happily chew it until you p

...and then my heart burst into pieces

The terrible 2's have hit full force!! Our toddler (while incredibly adorable) has been nothing short of a monster for the past 4-5 days. Our well behaved boy has been taken over by this screaming, fit throwing, pee'd on the bathroom rug on purpose boy. I don't know whether to lock him in his room until it passes or start pouring a lot of Bailey's in my coffee in the morning. I keep reminding myself that this is a phase and this to shall pass.  Then there is this little sweety. She's snuggly and squishy and oh so precious. She's also quick to cry if she's unhappy and she flat out refuses to take a bottle. Lately she seems to have an unsettled tummy which is causing her to not sleep so great at night and causing some crankiness during the day. Between the fussy infant and disobedient toddler, I was running low on sleep and patience.  As I cleared away the lunch dishes I got a text from Scott that said, "Off work early, let's go hiking!"  I glanc

Post Pregnancy Thoughts

Now that all those crazy pregnancy hormones that had me sobbing through verse after verse of "You are My Sunshine," have left my system, I want to revisit my pregnancy. I never want to forget the highs and not-so-highs of being pregnant. The lows... -The constant worry.  I worried about the baby, Scott worried about me and the baby. I worried about Scott worrying about me and the baby.  Worrying sucks. -The time frame that your pants are uncomfortably snug but it'd be silly to start wearing maternity clothes that early. It's also the same time frame when (you think) people are noticing your weight gain but they don't know you're pregnant.  You just feel fat, not pregnant. -The constant need to pee. Having to pee the second before you leave the house and the need to pee as soon as you get to your destination, even if your destination is just a mile down the road. -Hemorrhoids. No details needed. -Heartburn. The kind that wakes you up in the middle of the

Welcome! Can I get you a coffee?

Life is funny, messy, loud, exhausting, loving, and busy. And that is all within the first hour of waking up. Clearly they didn't want to sit next to one another If you stop by our house this is what you'll find... I'll greet you at the door, possibly still in my pajamas. If I'm dressed in day clothing, consider yourself lucky. There's zero chance I've brushed my hair, so please just pretend the wavy mess of brown, that smells slightly of puked up milk that resides on my head is the newest trend.  I'll have a baby in my arms and a toddler wrapped around my leg.  I'll be smiling because I'll be happy to see you. Come on in and have a seat. You may have to move that tractor off the couch. If you sit in a wet spot, let me know and I'll get you a towel.  What's the wet spot you asked? Either spit up or there is a chance my diaper free toddler didn't make it to the toilet.  Either way, it's harmless. Hopefully your visit is purely

The Lovely Lila at 2 Months

At Birth           2 Months        7lbs 5oz        12lbs 9oz (90%) 19.5 inches 23 inches (70%)   She's quick with a smile and will tell you she's good (Ahhhh Goooo) as you make eye contact.  She's taken an interest in her brother, her eyes following him around the room.  She'll smile at him from a distance but the closer he gets, the more apprehensive she appears (smart girl).   She continues to be an excellent eater, demanding a meal every hour and a half or so.  She burps like a full grown man and smiles in relief immediately after.  She will talk your ear off as long as you let her.  She loves holding eye contact and cooing and gooing.  She loves having her diaper changed and continues to do the "starfish" as soon as her diaper and clothing come off. She's sleeping very good and I continue to be amazed at how different her sleep habits are from her brothers.  She is up for the day between 7am-8am.  She'll nap on and off during th

One Month of Lila Liz

In the blink of an eye a month has passed (September 9, 2013). At Birth              1 Month 7lbs 5oz            10lbs 1oz 19.5 inches          20 inches Every morning I hear my little "Dolly" rustling around and soon after she fusses for me to come scoop her up and give her kisses.  Actually she wants me to feed her, but I like to think she wants to cuddle.  There's not a set time she gets up, but more often then not it's around 6am.  After an early breakfast and diaper change, she'll fall asleep again until around 8. She's a pretty easy baby as long as my boobs are accessible.  She eats like I have never seen a baby eat before (this means you can most often find me sitting on our couch with the boppy and Lila on my lap).  As long as she has a full belly, she is a happy baby!  She sleeps most of the day and prefers to sleep on my chest as opposed to anywhere else. Her night schedule hasn't been established but she typically goes down aro

Paisley is TWO-riffic

Our sweet 2 yr old      Birth Stats                   24  Month Stats                        6lbs. 5.9oz                 26lbs. 8oz (30% for weight)                               19 inches long           36 inches long (90% for height) Less then a week from our return home from the hospital it was time to celebrate 2 years of life with our baby boy.  Last year we had a fairly big party but this year celebrating a week and 1 day after having a baby I decided to scale down on the festivities.  I don't think Paisley noticed. He is really into trains and tractors right now so we went with a tractor theme.  We had both sets of grandparents, Scott's brother and sister-in-law and their 2 kids over for the party.  My sister was out of town so we had to celebrate with her prior to his birthday. The cake (chocolate and delicious!) We had talked up his party all week so the day of his birthday he knew everyone was coming over for his birthday celebration.  We had

Post Pregnancy = Lullabies and Hormones

My babies Paisley arrived home a few hours after we got home from the hospital.  He was happy to be reunited with his toys and thrilled to have his daddy's undivided attention while I nursed Lila.  Every so often he walked over to me and asked for a "huggy" while scoping out the newest member of the family.  I loved having both of them in my arms. While Paisley was at his grammies, I couldn't go in his room.  It felt to empty and quiet.  Dang hormones.  Once he was home I felt better going into his room but I didn't like being in the back of the house.  It felt dark and far away from everything.  I wanted the 4 of us in the living room with the TV on and sun streaming in the windows.  As long as this scenario was happening, I (my hormones) was fine. Getting familiar with her new home As night fell and it was time for Paisley to go to bed, this is where I started to lose my composure.  Scott took Lila (I think it was the first time she was out of my arm