
Showing posts from March, 2011

Unsolicited Advice, It has Begun...

As Obama would say..."Let me be Clear...."  I welcome pregnancy stories and advice from friends and family.  I welcome pregnancy stories and advice from other females that have experienced the joys of pregnancy.  I enjoy reading blogs containing advice from people I have never laid eyes on that relate to pregnancy and child birth.  I do NOT welcome unsolicited advice from random 68 year old men that I do not have any sort of personal relationship with.  The unsolicited advice has begun....see my conversation mentioned above with the Old Man (OM). OM: (Walks into my cube and says) When is your next trip out of the country? K: (smiling) My husband and I are expecting and don't have plans to leave the country until after the baby is born. OM: I hope you aren't putting off international travel because of your pregnancy? K: (Still smiling) I don't think flying 8 hours sounds like a relaxing time, so I would rather wait until after the baby is born before t

Belly Bands, Baby Pictures and Lack of Caffine

 One of the greatest inventions EVER! The belly band. (Image from Google) March 7 (13 wks) Today is the first day I am actually wearing my belly band. Yes, I’ve made it 13 weeks wearing my normal pants, but no longer. Happily, the belly band continues to allow me to wear my very own pants which is comforting. Now I just have to make sure my tops are all long enough to cover the belly band so people don’t suspect. We’ve had 2 appointments since I last blogged. The first was another ultrasound where we got to see our precious peach sized baby. The heartbeat is great and baby is a very wiggly little thing. We were able to see that baby P has very long (and skinny) arms and legs which is a little odd since Scott and I are relatively shorter people. I also had blood drawn for the sequential blood screening. I didn’t pass out. Look at the lips on our baby @ 12wks! A little Angelina Jolie?? At our second appointment, they were just going to listen to the heartbeat and make sure

Narcolepsy, A Side Effect of Pregnancy

 Cat Nap? Yes Please!! (Image courtsey of Google) February 23 (11wks) My clothes still fit for the most part which is nice. I did already buy a belly band which will allow me to continue to wear most my pants without zipping/buttoning them. It’s a little bit weird to think about walking around work with my pants undone, but the belly band will keep anything from showing and my pants from falling down. My exhaustion has mostly passed which is nice. If you haven’t been pregnant, let me explain pregnancy exhaustion. During the day, it’s not that I think, “Man I’m tired…wish I could take a nap.” It’s more along the lines of, “Must find somewhere to lay head…eyelids closing.” Now I don’t feel quite so narcoleptic, I just feel I’d like to catch a quick cat nap here and there. Now my nausea on the other hand, it hasn’t quite let up. While I have made it almost through the first trimester without puking, there have been many times I felt the chunks rising up in my throat. So instead of

Our baby looks like a Gummy Bear

Baby P at 8 wks 4 days February 15 (10 weeks)- Scott and I had our first Drs. Appointment last week and we got to see little P! If I had to compare it something, I would say it looked like a gummy bear with little nubkin arms and legs. No, it didn’t have ears like a gummy bear, but everything else looked very gummy bear-ish. The heartbeat was strong, 170-something beats per minute. The little arms also looked like P may be taking a boxing class. I was just so happy to see a healthy looking baby and hear a healthy heartbeat. Our u/s tech was so nice and caring. It was a relief to have the appointment go so well. While it was a relief, it is so hard to just let all the worries go out the door. There are still a million more things that are going to happen to this baby before P is ready to come into the world. Fingers crossed and with a dose of faith, those million things will go smoothly!!! P continues to dominant areas of my life such as what I eat and when I sleep. I can tell my

What do a dentist and airport security have in common?

Well hello bump of 9 weeks! February 8 (9 weeks)-While pregnant, do not let your dentist x-ray your teeth.   This is how my dentist became the second person to know I was pregnant.   Also, at the airport, do not let them put you in the x-ray machine.   This is how a nice airport security woman became the 3 rd person to know I was pregnant.   Like this blog? Leave feedback! Feedback makes me happy! :)

Cravings of a Pregnant Girl

January 27 -I am officially over roast beef sandwiches.   As in, I never want to see one again.  Nothing against you Arby's, you've been very good to us.  But it's time to move on.   Root Beer however sounds wonderful.  Now where to find a root beer float....

Food & Sleep! These are a few of my favorite things!

January 26 (7 weeks)- After craving a Strom-B-Que from Kipplees for the last half of the day, my sweet husband took me on an impromptu dinner date. After we got home about 6:30, I wanted to read the newest copy of Allure, baby wanted me to sleep. Baby won. I slept on the couch from 6:30-9:45. Husband tried to carry me to bed, but I had to be let down to pee. We crawled into bed and I slept ever so soundly until 6:45 the next morning. My husband now refers to me as the beautiful Sleeperella. Thank you Google for the image A few of babies favorite activities ; Sleeping; Eating; Frequent trips to the bathroom. Babies favorite foods ; Salad, roast beef sandwiches, combos, and a Nestle Crunch Bar. I keep thinking about shrimp cocktail, but probably won’t let baby have that. If this baby is this demanding at 7 weeks, I can't imagine what it will be like when Baby P is 2 years old and crawling all over!  Like this blog? Leave a comment! Feedback makes me happy! :)

6 Weeks in and Having Cravings!

My 6 week old bump! January 18 - The baby threw its first fit today.   For the past 24 hours I have had a roast beef sandwich on the brain.   As it got closer to lunch, my homemade chili sounded less appealing and I knew I must have an Arby’s Beef & Cheddar.   As I was placing my order, Baby P threw a huge tantrum demanding I send down a chocolate milk shake with the Beef & Cheddar.   This child already has me wrapped because I quickly ordered a small chocolate milk shake.   Baby gets what baby wants. Like this post? Leave a comment!  Feedback makes me happy! :)

A little postive = BIG changes!!

1/6/2011 There was absolutely no reason for me to think I wouldn’t start my period. I went through my day of moodiness which I chalked up as my impending monthly visitor. I felt a little bloated. So here I was, within a day of starting and I figured, why not just pee on a home pregnancy test (HPT). I had the test sitting there and I guess I just wanted to pee on it. So I did. Instantly, the pregnancy line came into view. I sat there and laughed. I thought I better get out of the bathroom and tell Scott that we were about to embark on a wild ride. He was fixing a hamburger and as he looked at my face, he said, “What’s wrong?” I told him he needed to come into the bathroom with me. He said hundreds of thoughts were running through his mind, but he had no idea I was about to show him a positive HPT. As his eyes saw the positive sign they quickly looked up into my eyes. With a giggle I said something along the lines of, “you know what that means, right?” He quickly forgot about his hambur

French Lick and a dose of Kenny Rogers

Why the photo of The Gambler?  Read on to find out! My first overnight away from the husband since our wedding had finally come upon us.  Emily, Ashley and I headed to French Lick on a Saturday for girls night.  We headed up mid-morning and arrived at French Lick right around lunchtime.  After checking into our room at the hotel, one of the fabulous hotel workers offered to drive us to the winery for lunch.  The best part of the drive was that he drove us in a Ford Model A.  Ashley and I sat in the jump seat while Emily took the passenger seat.  I had never seen a jump seat before, much less sat in one.  Our driver basically pulled open what I thought was the trunk to reveal a little bucket seat.  Luckily, we were having an unseasonably warm day and the sun felt great on our sun starved faces.   Once we arrived at the winery, we happily dove into our pasta dishes.  Emily hit the wine samples while Ashley and I let our food digest.    We love coming to the winery and the food is so