
Showing posts from August, 2011


Ready or he comes! As Dr. Schroeder predicted, around midnight my nurses Heather and Tara showed up to start my IV. Surprisingly, Scott and I had managed to get a little sleep prior to that. At this time I have had the needle in place in my wrist for about a week. This is the first time it has actually been hooked up to a drip bag. I also watched them throw away my cup of water. It’s amazing how when you can’t have anything to drink, you suddenly feel like you've been walking in the desert for days. I was able to fall back asleep once they got me drip bag hooked up. At 2 A.M. they returned to put me on the monitor and watch how baby was doing. I stayed awake for the entire hour watching and listening to the monitor. As much as I’ve disliked being hooked up to the monitor everyday for “x” amount of hours, I have enjoyed every second of hearing Paisley’s heartbeat. As I watched it for the final hour, I thought to myself this would be the last night I would be on the

The Day Before...

 Monitor time with one of my favorites!! As Scott got ready for work, it was hard not to notice the excitement and nervous energy in the room. This was our last “normal” day as we knew it. As 7:30 rolled around, I pointed out to Scott that within 24 hrs. we would have our baby. As he headed off to work, I began my day as I had the previous 6 weeks. My nurse showed up around 8 to take vitals and put me on the monitor. I ordered my breakfast of fruit loops with skim milk, pears, and apple juice. My Dr. came in for our daily chat and excitement was all over her face. After taking care of us, worrying about us, and praying for us (she told me the day before she had added our family to her prayer list), she was as excited to deliver this baby as we were. Having Dr. Schroeder in our lives has been miraculous. She is caring and compassionate and everything one could hope for in a Dr. She pulled up a chair and sat next to my bed, explaining everything that would happen tomorrow at 7:3

The Long and Winding Road

 Image courtesy of Google This blog is as much a place for information for family and friends as it is a reminder to Scott and I of the places we’ve been and the experiences we’ve had. This pregnancy hasn’t been easy. There have been moments that have downright sucked, but after every dark night came a bright morning. My timeline below may be a week or so off, but I want to remember and to always be thankful for all that we have been through to get to where we are now. The beginning of this pregnancy was a cake walk. My cravings were easy to satisfy and I never got sick. At our first ultrasound we saw our little gummy bear. The heartbeat was perfect and all was well. My Dr. said she didn’t see anything that caused concern, but due to our history if we wanted a follow-up 4D ultrasound with a specialist just to ease our fears, she would make it happen. We jumped at the chance. While doing the 4D ultrasound there was an obvious black hole appearing in my uterus. The tech brought