
Showing posts from April, 2013

More than just Cake

Keeping our secret!! After Scott and I learned the gender of our baby, my mom was just dying to know what we were having.  She tried tricking me into giving her hints.  She tried mind games trying to convince me that I had slipped and called it a "he." (For the record, I did not slip).  She would say, "It would be so much easier for me to go shopping if I knew whether to get girl clothes or boy clothes" if all the stores were going to sell all their baby clothes prior to her getting there.  She just couldn't wait. It was actually pretty easy to keep our secret for 3.5 days.  We told Paisley, which of course prompted him to randomly yell "Girl" (pro-nouced Guu-rl) at any given time.  But other than telling him, we were pretty excited to let everyone find out at our gender party on Saturday night.  Our "girl" cake I baked a 2 layer strawberry cake with cream cheese icing.  When we threw Paisley's gender party, I made a bl

Bunnies, Eggs and LOTS of Chocolate

I have always loved celebrating holidays.  I love everything about the decor, the atmosphere, the gathering of family and the abundance of food.  Having a little person to share these holidays with and teach our family traditions to have made holidays even more enjoyable than they were before.  The girls and P with the traditional bunny cake This Easter was no exception.  With my sister splitting her time between cities we were forced to celebrate Easter with my side of the family twice (oh the horror of having 2 parties instead of 1!).  The weekend prior to Easter everyone gathered at my parents house.  Paisley got to enjoy his Easter basket from Nana and Papaw and we dined on ham with all the fixings.  My dad thought it would be funny to spray Paisley with silly string, he didn't find it amusing, nor did his Nana.  Nor did his momma.  Actually the only person who really enjoyed seeing the fear in my child's eyes was his dear Aunt Bunny.  She's got a twisted sense of

The BIG Reveal...

The Cake It's a Girl!!

Life as a Pregnant Momma

The Pregnant Momma As I had my blood drawn for the triple screen test, I was nervous.  My wonderful Dr. told me she would call if the test came back with a positive for increased levels of AFP, hCG, or Estriol.  I should have asked how long the results typically take because after a week went by, I wasn't sure if I should be relieved because she hadn't called or if I should continue to worry because the results weren't back.  I did what any normal concerned Momma would do...I called the office.  I explained that I knew they wouldn't call unless the test came back with "something," but I needed to know if I could go ahead and stop worrying.  She laughed and said she would check if the results were back.  She put me on hold and the only sounds I could hear were my heartbeat and the elevator music.  My heartbeat was louder than the music yet strangely it seemed they were in tune.  I heard the "hold" button click off and she said with a laugh "