Food & Sleep! These are a few of my favorite things!

January 26 (7 weeks)- After craving a Strom-B-Que from Kipplees for the last half of the day, my sweet husband took me on an impromptu dinner date. After we got home about 6:30, I wanted to read the newest copy of Allure, baby wanted me to sleep. Baby won. I slept on the couch from 6:30-9:45. Husband tried to carry me to bed, but I had to be let down to pee. We crawled into bed and I slept ever so soundly until 6:45 the next morning. My husband now refers to me as the beautiful Sleeperella.

Thank you Google for the image
A few of babies favorite activities; Sleeping; Eating; Frequent trips to the bathroom.

Babies favorite foods; Salad, roast beef sandwiches, combos, and a Nestle Crunch Bar. I keep thinking about shrimp cocktail, but probably won’t let baby have that.

If this baby is this demanding at 7 weeks, I can't imagine what it will be like when Baby P is 2 years old and crawling all over! 

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  1. That Baby P is already ruling your life:) Enjoy every second. that baby will be here before we know it! YEAH!!!!!!! Love, Nana 2 B


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