Narcolepsy, A Side Effect of Pregnancy

Cat Nap? Yes Please!! (Image courtsey of Google)
February 23 (11wks) My clothes still fit for the most part which is nice. I did already buy a belly band which will allow me to continue to wear most my pants without zipping/buttoning them. It’s a little bit weird to think about walking around work with my pants undone, but the belly band will keep anything from showing and my pants from falling down. My exhaustion has mostly passed which is nice. If you haven’t been pregnant, let me explain pregnancy exhaustion. During the day, it’s not that I think, “Man I’m tired…wish I could take a nap.” It’s more along the lines of, “Must find somewhere to lay head…eyelids closing.” Now I don’t feel quite so narcoleptic, I just feel I’d like to catch a quick cat nap here and there.

Now my nausea on the other hand, it hasn’t quite let up. While I have made it almost through the first trimester without puking, there have been many times I felt the chunks rising up in my throat. So instead of feeling like a narcoleptic that’s constantly ready to sleep and puke, I just feel a little queasy in the stomach. I can handle that! This week, egg salad is high on my list of foods that sound and taste wonderful.

We have managed to keep Baby P a secret from everyone but my parents (and my dentist and the x-ray lady at the airport) thus far. It’s a huge secret to keep, but Scott feels very strongly about waiting to our appointment at 13 weeks. Only 2 weeks away and we can let the world know about this precious lime sized baby. My dad has already asked if he could hold the baby in our family Christmas card picture. Should I be concerned that my child could possibly be kidnapped by its own grandfather?

Last week, we did experience some light spotting that was mildly stressing. Ok, it was more than mildly stressing, it became so mind consuming that I couldn’t focus on anything else. I called the Dr. and she assured me that as long as it was light and there weren’t stomach pains accompanying the spotting, I shouldn’t worry about a thing. Maybe I just needed some relaxation or maybe Baby P just wanted to hear the smooth voice of Kenny Rogers, but after a weekend at French Lick with some of my girls and a Kenny Rogers concert, the spotting completely stopped and everything seems fine. I did read somewhere that sometimes spotting is sign that the body is adjusting for twins. While there was only one visible babe in the ultrasound, is it possible another one was hiding somewhere…hmm…. To be continued…

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  1. I was so exhausted the first trimester too. Even now I love to sneak in an afternoon nap!

    I hope by now you've discovered the pure joy and comfort of maternity jeans!

  2. I was so exhausted the first trimester too. and Even now I love to sneak in an afternoon nap!


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