Unsolicited Advice, It has Begun...

As Obama would say..."Let me be Clear...." 

I welcome pregnancy stories and advice from friends and family.  I welcome pregnancy stories and advice from other females that have experienced the joys of pregnancy.  I enjoy reading blogs containing advice from people I have never laid eyes on that relate to pregnancy and child birth.  I do NOT welcome unsolicited advice from random 68 year old men that I do not have any sort of personal relationship with. 

The unsolicited advice has begun....see my conversation mentioned above with the Old Man (OM).

OM: (Walks into my cube and says) When is your next trip out of the country?

K: (smiling) My husband and I are expecting and don't have plans to leave the country until after the baby is born.

OM: I hope you aren't putting off international travel because of your pregnancy?

K: (Still smiling) I don't think flying 8 hours sounds like a relaxing time, so I would rather wait until after the baby is born before traveling internationally.

OM: Well I think it's sad your letting pregnancy be an excuse to not travel.

K: (No longer smiling) I didn't say we weren't traveling…just not traveling outside the country. Have you sat 8 hours in a plane while being pregnant?

OM: I just can't believe you are letting pregnancy decide your travel plans.

My bewildered look caused OM to turn and walk away.  Not once did he congratulate us, nor did he say anything positive about the wonderful miracle taking place inside my body.  Instead, he played the part of a grumpy old man who has a negative outlook on life.  Wow...why in the world would he feel compelled to "share" his thoughts/feelings on traveling while pregnant with me?  Unless he was a woman in his earlier years, I'm not sure how or why he feels qualified to "share." 

Now that my blood pressure has lowered, I can look at the conversation and smile while shaking my head.  Let's hope OM doesn't decide to grace me with anymore of his wisdom over the next 5 months!

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  1. I doubt if OM will be back in your cube anytime soon:) I am glad you were able to vent to me after he ticked you off! Love you Kara!!! Momma


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