Post Pregnancy Thoughts

Now that all those crazy pregnancy hormones that had me sobbing through verse after verse of "You are My Sunshine," have left my system, I want to revisit my pregnancy. I never want to forget the highs and not-so-highs of being pregnant.

The lows...
-The constant worry.  I worried about the baby, Scott worried about me and the baby. I worried about Scott worrying about me and the baby.  Worrying sucks.
-The time frame that your pants are uncomfortably snug but it'd be silly to start wearing maternity clothes that early. It's also the same time frame when (you think) people are noticing your weight gain but they don't know you're pregnant.  You just feel fat, not pregnant.
-The constant need to pee. Having to pee the second before you leave the house and the need to pee as soon as you get to your destination, even if your destination is just a mile down the road.
-Hemorrhoids. No details needed.
-Heartburn. The kind that wakes you up in the middle of the night, thinking you are going to throw up.
-2am wake-ups for no good reason. Everyone else sleeps while you watch shadows dance on the walls.
-Painful internal punches. Maybe the baby does want to crack your rib cage. We'll never know.
-Contractions. Good lord they hurt.

The highs...
-Seeing the (+) on a test. The scariest and happiest symbol ever.
-Sharing the magical secret with only your husband that the two of you have created a tiny person.
-Sharing with the world that you are growing a human.
-Wearing cute maternity clothes.
-Seeing baby via ultra-sound for the first time.
-Hearing baby's heart beat for the first time.
-Hearing the Dr say that everything looks great.
-The friendliness of strangers after they see your bulging belly.
-Feeling baby start to move (oh the flutters are amazing).
-Feeling the baby hiccup.
-Counting down the weeks until meeting the newest member of the family.
-Sharing smiles with other pregnant mommas, smiles that say "good luck" and "congratulations."
-"Expectant Mother" parking spaces at the grocery.
-Having your husband gently place his hands on your belly and talk to the baby.
-An excuse to eat that extra cream filled long john.
-Preparing the nursery.
-Seeing a car seat fastened in your backseat.
-Seeing pink/blue items and teeny tiny clothes start to take over your home.
-That second you know you are minutes away from locking eyes with your newborn.

The highs wouldn't be as high if we didn't have to deal with the lows. I'm grateful for it all and will forever love the memories I have of carrying our little fish.

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