Welcome! Can I get you a coffee?

Life is funny, messy, loud, exhausting, loving, and busy. And that is all within the first hour of waking up.
Clearly they didn't want to sit next to one another
If you stop by our house this is what you'll find... I'll greet you at the door, possibly still in my pajamas. If I'm dressed in day clothing, consider yourself lucky. There's zero chance I've brushed my hair, so please just pretend the wavy mess of brown, that smells slightly of puked up milk that resides on my head is the newest trend.  I'll have a baby in my arms and a toddler wrapped around my leg.  I'll be smiling because I'll be happy to see you.

Come on in and have a seat. You may have to move that tractor off the couch. If you sit in a wet spot, let me know and I'll get you a towel.  What's the wet spot you asked? Either spit up or there is a chance my diaper free toddler didn't make it to the toilet.  Either way, it's harmless.

Hopefully your visit is purely social because there is zero chance we can have any sort of adult conversation. Our toddler thinks all house guests come over for the sole purpose of playing trains with him. If you don't join him in his room to play, he'll just keep asking you. You want to hold the baby? I'll happily let you, but then you'd have to excuse me for a few minutes while I go unload the dishwasher. And the dryer.  And then put the clean clothes away.  It's much easier to do those tasks when my arms are child-free.

Oh great you'll join me for a coffee!!  Can I offer you a snack?   I have goldfish crackers, raisins, and suckers. If you want a sucker, you're going to have pee on the potty first so my toddler doesn't think you are getting special privileges.   Speaking of eating, I need to feed the infant.  Don't freak out that I'm going to breastfeed, that's what we do in this house. If you suddenly want to go play with the train set, I completely understand.

Please don't think laziness is the reason my living room is covered in toys and books. I'd rather spend my day playing with my toddler and his toys then picking them up. They'll get picked up later tonight but during the day I am fine having a living room that resembles FAO Schwartz. I'd change the station from the Sprout station, but I currently don't know where the remote is. However, if you need a periwinkle crayon, I can give you it's exact location.

This is the season of life I'm in.  It's funny, messy, loud, exhausting, loving, and busy.  It's perfect.  Come on over, I'll pour you a cup of coffee.

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