Pregnant and Happy

The Fisher bump at 16 wks!
 March 28 (16 wks) The funny thing about pregnancy is at the beginning, as you watch the fetus grow from the size of a poppy seed to an orange, those weeks pass so slowly. Maybe it’s because we just wanted to make it to the safety of the 2nd trimester or maybe it was because we were keeping Baby P a secret, but it seemed like every day just dragged by. Now, at 16 weeks, time is flying. I kind of wish it would slow down just a bit. I have begun feeling baby flutter about in my stomach. It's usually right after I eat and is comparable to feeling like I swallowed a little bird that's in there flapping its wings. It also feels like my stomach is the epicenter of a tiny earthquake and I feel little trembles that spread throughout my entire stomach. It’s awesome. A little strange at first…but I love it.

Thank goodness for belly bands, they may be the greatest invention ever! I wear one every day. I have a black one and a nude one. My tops are all still fitting like normal and since my pants are still able to be worn (with the help of the belly band), I have yet to dive into the world of maternity clothes. To the average stranger on the street, you would never know I was pregnant. To those that know me, I’ve got a round little belly. Thus far, I’ve put on about 8lbs. I have no idea if this is normal or not, but it’s all in my boobs and belly, so I’m ok with it.
We have had a blast telling people about the baby. After we had our 13 week appointment, we begun telling the world. I started with my girlfriends either giving them a call or seeing them in person. Some had noticed I had gotten a little rounder in the middle but others were completely shocked. We told Scott’s friends over dinner and they were fairly surprised as well. Everyone was so congratulatory and happy. I also announced via Facebook that we were expecting and loved watching the comments add up. By this point, we had already told both of our immediate families. They are all happy we are expanding our Fisher family.

My love/hate with food continues. I still don’t want anything to do with vegetables but will take a piece of fruit anyday/anytime. I still drink chocolate milk nightly. Sleeping has already become a small issue. I’ve heard friends say that your body starts preparing you to function on little sleep and I think that is where I’m at. I can fall asleep so easily, but it’s staying asleep that is the issue. I am averaging 1 bathroom break in the middle of the night. Aside from going to the bathroom, I am constantly rotating from side to side. I use to be a belly sleeper, but obviously that is out of the question at this point. I have a huge 4 ft long pillow that I’ve been sleeping with “man pillow” that I’ve been using to help me keep from unknowingly rolling onto my stomach at night. Scott thinks man pillow takes up most of the bed and threatens to kick out man pillow, but he knows better.

My co-workers have been great with the pregnancy and I love when they ask me how the baby is doing. I am trying to make an effort not to be one of those people that force their pregnancy/kids down the throat of others. But, if they ask me about it, then I feel like they are asking to hear me talk about it for next few minutes. :) I also don’t mind when people I know touch the baby bump! While some people may be weirded out about it, I don’t mind at all. Now, if some random person in Wal-Mart came up to me and touched the belly, then I might feel a little weird about that. But if I know you, feel free to pat the bump.

Our next appointment is April 7th. This is just a normal appointment and we will hear the heartbeat. Then the following week on April 12th is the big gender reveal. I have been saying this entire time, I think it’s a boy. My reasons; I haven’t been that nauseous. When I hear about other people and their morning sickness, mine was a piece of cake compared to theirs. And since the old wives tale says girls cause nausea, I am thinking I have me a bundle of boy in there. AND…I have begun having dreams about baby. As in I have seen and held our future baby boy. He is chubby as can be, has long blonde hair with a bit of curl, and the biggest blue eyes you’ve ever seen. Yes, I’m dreaming that baby looks like Scott did when he was little. Not sure if that means anything, but I just have a strong feeling that it is a boy!

Scott and I will be taking the baby on its first adventure to Florida over Thanksgiving. Yes, we are aware that taking a 2 month old on a plane may be less than relaxing, but the baby needs to learn to travel at some point. And, since the baby is going to be spending time in Florida every year for probably at least the next 18 years, it might as well get used to the area. We are so excited about that vacation!!

In the meantime, we have plans to spend the upcoming weekend in Brown County at a sweet little bed and breakfast. We are going to spend some time hiking in the state park, maybe do some canoeing depending on the weather, and overall relaxing! Other plans for this summer include a surprise getaway weekend for Scotts birthday. I have something super cool planned for him, but I am not telling him where we are going or what we are doing until the night before we leave.  Once August 6th hits, we will be remaining in Vanderburgh County for the rest of my pregnancy. I would hate to start having contractions anywhere outside the tri-state area.

And that catches you up with the Fisher family of 2 ½ .

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  1. Love it Kara!!!!!! Love, Momma :)

  2. Sounds like you are having a blast with your pregnancy! Brandon and I find out the sex tomorrow! Hope to see you again some time in the near future!


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