Eating Cake and Other Happenings

"Gender Party Reveal"
Revealing the gender to my parents needed to be an event. After all, this is the FIRST grandbaby they will ever hold. As Scott and I let the word “Boy” soak into our head, we began to plan a small dessert party for our parents and siblings that very Saturday. Little did they know, the cake they would be eating would be color coded-pink for girl or blue for boy.

Poppa-to-Be with Grandparents-to-Be

As they arrived, they could see a chocolate cake sitting on the table. The plates and napkins didn’t give it away as we used pink, blue and green. My momma showed up with both a pink gift bag and a blue gift bag in hand. She’s always prepared. At our request, both Scott's mom and my mom took a hold of the cake knife. We told them the inside of the cake would reveal the gender of the newest edition to the family. Both of our fathers leaned in close to get a view. My sister-in-law was on her tippy toes trying to see what the cake would reveal. As the thick chocolate icing parted, a blue angel food cake was revealed. Gasps and squeals filled the air as smiles were on every face.

The cake is cut!
Momma promptly handed me the blue bag and Baby P (with my help) opened his first gift! He got a cute little hat that will come in handy during the summer months as well as an adorable little sleeper. Scott’s dad quickly headed back to a wedding reception happening nearby to tell the North Posey football coach that there would be two Fisher boys coming through the high school football program in the years to come. Images of our little boy zooming through our yard on a little 4-wheeler filled all our heads.
It's a BOY!!!
After the cake was devoured and final rounds of “Congratulations” were spoken, our families headed off. Scott and I were finally able to relax knowing that our secret was out. While my family has zero experience with little boys, it’s safe to say they were all very excited with our reveal.

Besides revealing the gender of our baby, we are enjoying week 19 with the little one. It’s hard to believe we are 1 week away from being ½ way through this experience. My hunger has kicked up a notch, so much so that one day this week I ate my girlfriend’s lunch. You know you have a true friend in someone when they give you their lunch because they know you are starving and that you already consumed your own. (She had plans to eat out that day anyway)

I am still in my own clothes! Sure there are a few tops that I’ve had to retire because for some unknown reason they look like midriff tops on me, but for the most part I am wearing 90% of my pre-pregnancy clothing. So, if I make it one more week without having to breakdown and start wearing the maternity clothes, I’ll be pretty dang pleased with myself.
19 week and growing!

Whooo…..Whooo…goes the night owl that lives in my stomach. It’s true. This baby sleeps on and off throughout the day, but come night fall he is ready to party. The other night as Scott and I were in bed, I couldn’t quit laughing because Baby P was running in place. Scott has been lucky enough to feel him move quite a bit. I love that he is able to experience that. Most of the time, it is a jab here and jab there, but other times it feels like the baby is trying to launch himself straight out of my stomach. It’s such a bizarre feeling and I know I am going to miss it when P is in my arms and out of my belly. But, no need to think about that yet, right?

And the worst part of our week…during our anatomy scan, the color of P’s intestines were enough to cause some alarm in our Perinatologist. She gave us the rundown of what it could mean, none of which were positive. Scott and I are very pragmatic people and if there is a chance of issues arising in the future, we want to have as much knowledge and be prepared for whatever may come. With that being said, when she said the only way to know for sure what we were looking at was to have an amniocentesis performed, Scott and I looked at each other and said let’s do it.

The nurse quickly prepped me for the needle and with my arm covering my eyes, they began removing fluid. The needle didn’t hurt really bad, but it did feel like I was pulling a muscle in my stomach which was a weird sensation. Later that night Scott and I confessed to one another that we prayed harder during that 10-15 minutes then we had ever prayed in our lives. The nurse told Scott that his wife was pretty tough because I didn’t even flinch when the needle went in. I overheard Scott tell her that I was stronger than him in more ways than one.

My view from above!  Hello toes...

After it was over, they gave me orders to take it very easy over the next couple days. That night I took P’s blanket that his great-grandma made him and covered up with it on the couch. Scott and I were worried, upset, stressed, and basically at a loss. We already know that the two of us can handle anything that God throws at us, but we wish He would slow down with the road blocks.

Those couple days it took for the test results to come back felt like an eternity. When St. Mary’s number showed up on my cell phone during work one day, I didn’t know if I could answer it or not (of course I did!). As the nurse began to speak, all I could hear was that each and every test they ran came back negative. At the end, she confirmed that it was VERY good news and we had ourselves a chromosomally perfect little boy. My hands were shaking as I quickly called Scott.

Needless to say, it was a rough couple days, but we made it. Our baby made it.

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  1. You and Scott have been thrown quite a few Roadblocks these past few months!!!!! BUT the future is BRIGHT!!!!!! Love you!!!! nana

  2. wow Awesome posting for baby's born . really your nice thought i like it . not difference girls and boys. i like your planning for cake i just follow my baby born . cake notes boys & Girls lovely idea .thanks


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