5 Months with our Little Bean

Birth            5 Months
7lbs 5oz        15lbs15oz
19.5 inches      25+ inches

Her 5th month of life was much easier to manage then her 4th month!  Her sleep schedule at night wasn't quite as whacky this month (thank goodness!).  She is still going down around 7:30, waking around 1:30am, 5:30am, then up for the day around 8.  Once she wakes for the day, she'll roll around in her crib and coo until I get her.  As soon as she sees me, her eyes widen and a sweet gummy smile fills her face.  Now as I scoop her up, she wraps her arms around my necks and pulls her face into me.  Her warm little head always smells so sweet and the feeling of her little velvet head brushing my lips is almost intoxicating.

She still refuses to take a bottle but is an excellent (and frequent) eater otherwise.  I continue to let her nurse on demand but she will hold off for a few hours if we are out and about.  I do nurse her to sleep at night.  I just realized that by this age with Paisley, we had already started introducing some purees.  Looks like I will be dusting off the Baby Bullet here in the next few weeks and whipping up some pureed goodness for little L.

Our little dolly loves to play.  She favors smaller stuffed dolls that are easy for her to grab and stuff into her mouth.  She also will grab moving objects, my toothbrush while I am brushing them, her brother as he runs past her, or anything that is lit up and making sounds.

She has rolled from her stomach to back numerous times and back to stomach one time.  She is tolerating tummy time better, especially if her brother is entertaining her.  She is trying to move, bending her knees and trying to push herself forward.  She's gotten her little bottom up in the air one time but collapsed before her arms lifted her up.  She can sit supported or on her own for small increments of time.  She loves listening to music and watching her brother do anything is still her favorite activity.

Lila loves bath time and enjoys it even more when I let her take a bath with her brother.  He has poured water over her head a handful of times but she handles that very well.  She takes 2 decent naps a day, one around mid-day when her brother naps and the other in the evening right before her daddy gets home from work.  When she hears his voice in the evening, her little head swings around until her eyes can find him.

I am enjoying dressing her in pink, picking up dolls, and daydreaming about the fun my little mini-me and I will have throughout the different stages of her life; baking, shopping, pedicures, vacations, and her coming to me with questions about boys (hopefully that last one isn't for another 20 years).

She is quick with a fake cry if you don't pick her up quite as quick as she'd like, or if she feels that no one is paying attention to her.  You could say she's a little spoiled but, she's our favorite little girl ever and we enjoy every second with her!!

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