Half of a Year Come and Gone!

I'm 6 months old!
6 months old....I can not believe Baby Fish has been around that long.  Half of a Year!!  Has it really been that long?

Birth Stats                                  5 Month Stats
6lbs. 5.9oz                                      16lbs. 8oz   (25% for weight)
19 inches long                              26.5 inches long   (50% for height)

This past month has been hard!  Probably the hardest of all the months thus far.  Dumplin started acting pretty clingy and not eating or sleeping as well as normal.  I could tell (mother's intuition) that he was not acting like my baby normally acts.  Those sweet little bottom teeth were still just hovering in view but not pushing through the gum.  Could that be the cause of his crankiness or something more?  I didn't stew on it more than a day or two and off we went to the pediatrician.  Good thing we did because Dumplin had a double ear infection.  Ouch!  So this month...he had his first taste of Amoxicillin.  He wasn't crazy about it. 
Not feeling well, but still super cute!
Once we got past the ear infection, my happy baby returned to normal!  His pediatrician did tell us we needed to get him sleeping through the night with the help of some "tough love"...that's a whole different post.  He continues to be exclusively breastfed with the occasional small bowl of cereal.  He's not crazy about the cereal.  We may have a picky eater on our hands.
Mom I can sit up, see?
Dumplin isn't pulling up on objects yet, but he can pull himself into a seated position if he is at a slight incline already.  He wants to crawl so bad, but so far can only either get his butt up or push up on his arms.  He hasn't mastered doing both at the same time.  He reminds me of a little buffalo sometimes the way he tries to push across the floor with his head down. 
Diaper bottom baby...
Dumplin is such a good little stander!  He can hold on to things and stand, but he usually forgets that he is standing on his own and thinks he's in his Jumperoo.  This causes him to try and jump which leads to him toppling over.  He just smiles when he falls and then wants to get up and try again!

Little Fish is a squealer!!  He loves to "talk" to us and loves to scream at the top of his lungs to get our attention.  I'm pretty sure I've heard him say "Mom Mom Mom" but I don't think he knows that is me.  I've also heard him say something that sounded an awful lot like "Hi" which would make sense because every morning that is the first thing I say to him. 
"I think I will put this stuffed Panda in my mouth"
Mornings are my favorite part of the day.  When I walk into his room, he is already awake just waiting on me to come get him.  He'll push up on his arms and look up at me with this huge gummy smile on his face.  I can hardly scoop that boy up fast enough! 
Look at these rolls on my belly!
Since the weather has gotten colder, he has been wearing a lot of winter hats.  He recently learned he can pull hats off of his head and stick them into his mouth.  Everything goes into his mouth.  Everything. 

He's got very busy hands! He wants to grab everything and we have recently started teaching him to be "easy" with our faces.  That boy would go to town trying to pull your nose off or scratching your cheeks.  The other night at dinner, he very quickly grabbed a glass of ice water and poured it across the table.  He's a quick one!
"Mom I've had about enough of sitting in this chair..."

A few other likes;
-Reading book after book after book
-Bath time
-Having Mom sing to him (favorite song, Landslide by Fleetwood Mac)
-His rattle ball
-His Monkey Jill

He really didn't want any more photos taken
I look at my little preemie and thank God for bringing him this far.  Paisley is an amazing little miracle that brings smile and laughter to my life.  Scott and I often ask ourselves how we got so lucky to be his parents.

Until next month...

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