It Can't Really be June, Can It?

Apparently having 24,000+ photos on my MAC caused a bit of a issue and my iPhone was no longer able to download its photos.  No photos = no blogs.  After getting a new hard drive, weeding out all (or at least a couple thousand) of grainy photos, I am FINALLY back! Thank goodness!

So the month of May....what happened to it?  Oh yes...something like this;
My little baller
T-ball was in full swing!! Paisley improved from his first practice when he thought playing 3rd base meant racing all the runners to home plate when they took off running.  He hit off the pitching machine a handful of times which was amazing since 1/2 the time I think he squeezed his eyes shut when the ball came towards him.  It was a great season and he's already referenced playing next year! 

We are finally 100% diaper free!  She gave up night diapers for good and we've had only a couple wet nights since.  She's happy to sleep in her princess panties all night and I am thankful to close that chapter.  Although now she thinks she needs a big girl bed....I"m not quite ready for that!
My Momma
Mother's Day came and I was so happy to spend it with my momma and my babies.  Scott always surprises me with flowers to plant and this year was no exception.  I got a hydrangea bush that I had been longing for.  We went to breakfast and the kids had made me cards and got me chocolate.  I love that there is a special day set aside to "thank" mom, but in reality every day is my mother's day.  I get to spend my minutes raising my 2 children.  There isn't anything in the world I want more than that. 
They don't look sick...
Who knew kids got strep throat in the summer?!?! Not me!  After both kids battled fever for well over a week, with zero other to the Dr. we went.  A positive strep test later and we were off to get medicine.  Thank goodness they took it like little champs and within a week the fever was gone and they were healthy again.  
Paisley had his final day of school at Kinder Schule and it was with sadness that we said good-bye to the school as they are closing their doors.  This fall Paisley will enter pre-k at the local elementary school and Lila will have another year at home with me before starting her formal education.  He was sad to say bye to his friends but he was ready for a summer of playing outside.  

Memorial weekend we worked on the farm and spent Monday celebrating with friends.  The kids and I did some crafts and I attempted to teach them the meaning of the day.  I'm not sure how much they retained, but we'll try again next year.  

With healthy kids and the blazing mid-west heat, we are jumping feet first into June.  With a little luck and a few less pictures, let's hope my MAC doesn't let me down again.  


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