Houseful of Turkeys

For the second year in a row we packed our suitcases on Thanksgiving Eve and headed to my sisters house to maximize our family time.  I'm starting to enjoy dinner the night before Thanksgiving as much as I enjoy the Thanksgiving meal!  My dad made clam chowder, my sister had warm sandwiches and dip, I brought a pumpkin roll and fruit salad and we all gobbled it up as we listened to stories and songs provided by our in-house entertainment, the 2 & 4 year old.

The best sister/auntie ever...
After the babies had been tucked into bed, the adults began an educational game of Trivial Pursuit.  I wasn't good at that game when I was younger, and some things never change.  Nonetheless we had a great time that resulted in plenty of laughs, mostly become mom would ask a question, then get mixed up on which answer was right (ex. How many planets are in the solar system. Answer: New Hampshire.)
Little nugget nibbling
Thanksgiving morning arrived with the sounds of laughter drifting up the stairs and waking Scott and I.  Walking into the brightly lit kitchen with the scent of coffee in the air and seeing my kids happily playing with their Nana and aunt was a fantastic way to start this day of thanks.
My beautiful loving mother
We nibbled on baked french toast and bacon while the main meal cooked in the oven.  Before our breakfast could settle, turkey was pulled from the oven and the rolls were ready to be buttered.  We all listened to my sister give the blessing, thanking God for the blessings we've received and those blessings that go unseen.
Toss the baby, a popular holiday game
Once bellies were stuffed and dishes were almost empty, we began the process of cleaning up.  Dishes were washed, bags were packed, and our nest destination awaited.  We bid farewell to the family and loaded up the littlest turkeys to head to our next festivity.

Little cousins
We arrived at Scott's parents house and despite having stuffed bellies, the kids immediately began running about, playing with their cousins.    Somehow enough room formed in our bellies to enjoy another delicious meal as we caught up with family.

My world
The night came to an end with Scott and I driving our tired crew home.  The holidays add magic to this time of year and today (and last night) was no exception.  It was an absolutely perfect Thanksgiving.  It was filled with family sharing memories of the past and hopes for the future.  It was sharing a meal with the ones we love.  It was a moment to slow down and look around, to be thankful for these scenes before our eyes.  They are scenes that I will carry in my heart forever.      


  1. I love the idea of having a Thanksgiving Eve sleep over :) Sounds like you had a pretty perfect holiday!


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