A Vacation for Me

Written as I sat on a plane heading to Tampa

Stormy Tampa
Last night I took a little more time getting the babies to bed.  Singing just a little softer, holding them a little tighter, and stealing an extra kiss or two.  They understand that I am leaving for a few days, but they haven't experienced more than a day of their lives without me.  It's harder on me than them for sure.

Scott drove me to Louisville this morning, holding my hand in his.  The babies played in the backseat, Lila frequently chanting "my mommy my mommy..."  The sky was blue and bright as the trees and grass were green.  Internally I felt sick leaving the 3 most precious people in my life and yet excited to take a few days for myself, soaking in sunshine and walking along the cool ocean waters.

While I lived in Wyoming I always wished I could split myself in two, allowing myself to spend time with family in Indiana while living my laid back life in the mountains.  I find myself wishing to be split into two again.

As I sit here in seat 21C I am so grateful for this opportunity.  I am so grateful that after I relax and unwind for a few days that I get to return to my love filled home.

The rest is written as I sit on my couch at home, rested, relax, and slightly sun kissed.

As we landed in Tampa and caught our shuttle to the condo, I couldn't believe that I was actually on a girls trip.  I soaked in the palm trees, the waves crashing in the bay, and the salami scented shuttle as we drove to Madeira Beach.  We met up with the other 3 girls and fun ensued.

We laughed as we enjoyed our nights in the condo, sitting on the balcony watching the evening storms roll in from the ocean.  We shared bottles of wine and stories of our kids.  We ordered pizza from the beach and dug our toes in the sand while we filled our bikini clad bodies with pepperoni and mushrooms.

Our days started whenever our internal clocks told us to get up.  My body is permanently set for 7am and that is what time I was awake.  I made my morning cup of coffee and headed out to the balcony to watch dolphins play in the ocean.  Slowly the other girls would join me and that is how each day started, watching the sun warm the beach.

There was no clock that ran our day.  After the coffee was gone we would walk down the boulevard to get lunch.  I happily ate grouper nuggets, grouper sandwiches, and crab cakes.  We drank fruity concoctions and strolled through the touristy shops for trinkets for our children.  We sent postcards home and walked on the beach until our legs were exhausted.  There was endless hours of talking...in depth conversations that can't typically happen with small children running around.

The group of girls I spent my days with were friendships that had started during our days working in the corporate world.  We've all changed so much since our first meeting, getting engaged, married, having children, changing jobs.  We've got much in common, differences, advice to share on raising a boy/girl, experiences to swap, and so much to laugh about.  It was so enjoyable spending this time with them.

I was sad to fly out of our sunny retreat, but so excited to scoop up my little people and be scooped up by my husband.  The flights home were a little less than easy...getting rerouted to Jacksonville, sitting on the tarmac for 5 hours, having my flight to Louisville cancelled only to be rebooked (for free) on a flight directly to Evansville, only to have that flight grounded due to a maintenance issue, then to get on another plane and arrive home at 3am.  It was all worth it.

Mommas need a break.  We have the hardest job in the world.  I don't have any plans to leave the babies any time soon, but I am so thankful I had the chance to take some time away for myself.  
Cheers to relaxing


  1. Glad you got to have a getaway with friends. Sounds lovely although I did tear up a bit reading about your ride to the airport with your whole crew. Motherhood is a lovely thing and your trips sounds really refreshing :)


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