Ticking Time Bombs, Vampires, and Starvation...Oh My!

32 weeks!
As of today, we hit the 33 week mark of being pregnant!!!

-9 of those weeks have been spent flat on my back.
-3 of those weeks have been spent in the hospital.

Baby P should weigh between 4.5 and 5 lbs.  I continue to have some pretty aggressive heartburn which in my mind means he is just getting more and more hair!

I have not gone stir crazy!  As mentioned previously, I am reading books and magazines, working Sudoku puzzles, and I've begun working on a braided rug for P's room.  I also continue to have the most loving friends and family.  Between visits, calls, e-mails, and packages, I am 100% entertained and taken care of.  Each interaction means the world to me and I hope each of these people that send a card or stop by know that their prayers, thoughts, love and friendship have helped get us to where we are today!

That being said...I may have had a mini meltdown last week.  I managed to have it without anyone else being around.  I call it the day that contained a series of misfortunate events that led me to host my very own pity-party.  This is how it went;

-Each day, I am put on a monitor at 3 different times a day for roughly an hour each time.  On this particular day, I got put on the monitor and they left me on there for 2 hours. (My nurse forgot about me)  While on the monitor, I developed a VERY full bladder. One way to make me cranky, make me hold my bladder for an hour.

-The 2 hours just happened to fall over lunch. I can't order food while on the monitor, which meant I laid there starving.  If you haven't been pregnant, I can't describe how serious hunger is to a pregnant girl.  After I was off the monitor I had to wait 45 minutes for the cafeteria to make my food and deliver it. Another way to make me cranky, starve me.

-While waiting for food, I decided to have a piece of banana bread that my mom had brought me. As I go to cut me a piece, I realize that housekeeping must have taken my knife. So unless I wanted to eat directly off the loaf, there was no way to cut the bread.

So I sulked.  I curled up and pulled my blankets over my head.  I listened to my stomach growl and hoped I wasn't starving our baby.  Eventually, lunch showed up and after I gobbled it down, I slowly returned to my nice self.

As one would imagine, being in a hospital for 3 weeks I have met a lot of the nurses and Dr's.  This past weekend, the Dr. on call came to meet me.  As he walked in he said, "You're the one I've heard all about."  As I questioned what he meant by this he said, "You're the ticking time bomb of labor and delivery."  While I am thankful he knows about my condition should he need to assist in the future, I wasn't sure how to feel about him viewing my uterus as a ticking time bomb?  I guess there are worse things I could be known for, right?

I'll end this blog with my least favorite part of my entire hospital stay as well as a happy thought.  My least favorite part....the Vampires.  In case you weren't aware, there are these people called phlembotonists that lurk in the hallways.  Every 3rd day they slip into my room before the sun comes up and take blood.  Every 3 days.  I dread those days. 

My happy thought...3 more weeks and I'll hit 36 weeks!  This is the absolute last day my Dr. will let me carry this baby.  Which means I'm 21 days or less from seeing my son.  A year ago I never even thought about kids.  Today I can't put into words how much I love this boy that I've never met.

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  1. Anytime you have a "Pity Party" call Momma, she will come to your bedside and make it all BETTER!!!!!! Luv U!


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