Table for 4

Just the 2 of Us
Prior to meeting Scott, I went through a phase of thinking I didn't want children (that was a result of being around undisciplined children).  Then I thought for awhile that I wanted a big family, 5 kids sounded just about right.  And then I met Scott.

My sister & I (sometime in the 80's)
Scott came from a family of 4 as did I.  As we talked about the future and marriage, the topic of children was a light conversation.  We both wanted kids, just a couple, but if for whatever reason kids weren't a part of our future together, we would be ok with that.  We didn't set a timeline or come to a conclusion about how many kids we wanted, we just agreed to let life happen.

Family of 4
Now we have our own little family of 4.  Scott has this perfect little replica of himself that he's taught about fuel injection and hydraulic pressure.  I have this perfect little replica of myself (as a blonde) that is sassy and sweet and will break more then a heart or two over the next 15 years.  The time came for a serious talk about kids.  Were we going to have more?  Did we feel like we wanted more?  We came to the same conclusion and decided....our family is complete.

My favorite people
Now don't get me wrong, there are times I see a pregnant belly and feel the pain of wanting to carry a baby "just one more time."  But the moment is fleeting and if I think about the heart burn, inability to sleep, and stresses both mentally and physically of carrying a child, I look at my children that live outside my womb and that moment passes.

Snuggling my baby boy
I think back to the moments when my children were squishy little babies....they mostly slept, lived entirely off nourishment provided them from my body, and sometimes were content only in my arms.  I loved those moments and would love to hold one of my tiny infants again...but the moments I have now are equally as precious.  I now get to hear both children say "I love you mommy" as I tuck them in bed.  I get to watch them grow and learn and become more independent.  I get to watch them explore the world and soak up new information like tiny sponges.  I wouldn't give up a moment of the "now" to relive a moment of the "past."

Snuggling my baby girl
As the kids get older, I look forward to them bringing friends to the house.  I want to look around my kitchen table and see the faces of their friends laughing and joining us for dinner.  Past that I look forward to meeting their significant others and welcoming them into our family.  And then way way way down the road I look forward to the addition of grandchildren.  But for now....we're happy asking for a table for 4.
Just the 4 of Us


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