Dear Babies -

Lovely Lila -

The "Mommmmy Mommmmmy" started around 3am.  I knew it was those last 4 teeth trying to push through that woke you.  I can't even imagine how painful those new knife sharp teeth are as they attempt to cut through your gums.  Without hesitation (well maybe just a minute because my bed was so warm) I walked across the dark hallway towards you.  In your dimly lit room I could see your silhouette standing up in bed, patiently waiting for my arms to scoop you up.  Your room smelled like a mixture of baby powder and Johnson & Johnson body wash.  That scent is locked into my brain and my heart and brings a smile to my face.  Your weight is easy to lift and you easily nestle yourself against my chest laying your head on my shoulder.

We made our way to the living room and cuddled on the couch.  You quickly fell asleep on my chest and I tried not to move despite your fuzzy hair tickling my nose.  I listened to you breathe and thanked God that you were given to me.

I lightly dozed waking every time you made a peep or moved a tiny arm or leg.  As the sun kissed the blinds, I knew it was going to be a 2 cup of coffee day.

You were easily frustrated throughout the morning and didn't feel like participating in music class.  Despite the warning I could feel in the pit of my stomach I went ahead and took you to Fresh Market so I could get groceries.  Your loud screams forced the kind worker in the bakery to bring you a cookie while I shopped in produce.  The cookie kept you silent until you dropped it.  Then I quickly headed towards the check-out and got you out of there.

As your bedtime crept closer I won't deny I was ready for you to get some sleep.  As I kissed you good-night I whispered "sleep all night little angel."  Of course you screamed "NO."  You're lucky I love you so much little sassy britches.

Love, Mommy

Precocious Paisley -

You stumbled out of your room in your race car jammies and 1/2 smile.  You immediately questioned why Lila was on the couch sleeping and then turned grumpy when you learned Daddy had to leave for work early and you didn't get to watch him drive down the lane.  You said you were hungry so I warmed up some ham and cheese quiche.  I didn't realize today was going to be the day you didn't like quiche, so you cried that you wanted oatmeal.  You ate your quiche then asked for a peach.  When I said we didn't have any peaches you cried and asked why I "never buy you peaches anymore."

Your mood improved when you got to spend a couple hours with Nana and especially when we picked up a couple peaches at the grocery store.  At home you asked for and received a peach, and then promptly started whining because it "has fuzz on it."  When I explained that peaches are always fuzzy, you decided you don't like peaches anymore and wanted an apple...which I was all out of.

As Lila finished napping I was happy to sit in front of the tv and relax while Little House on the Prairie filled the screen.  It wasn't very relaxing as you were quite interested in the show and asked "Why is Harriett so mean.  What's her daughter's name?  Is Olsen their last name?  Is Laura the teacher? What happened to the old teacher.... and there were so many questions rolling off your tongue that my brain literally stopped working and I fell asleep.  I wasn't out for more then 10-20 minutes, but it was exactly what this momma needed.

I made your favorite meal for dinner, spaghetti with homemade meatballs.  Then for the 4th time of the day, you sat in your chair and cried because it "wasn't what you wanted."  I handed you some Easter candy and told daddy I was getting in the shower.

That night as I tucked you in bed I kissed your sweet face and told you how much I loved you.  You smiled as if you had the best day ever.  I wish I rebounded from bad moments as quickly as you do.  You may test my limits, but it's only because you are so smart, so strong, and have a little bit of hard-headedness in you.  See you in the morning.

Love, Mommy


  1. You are so sweet to document all the big, exciting moments with your kiddos AND the sweet little moments you have together. I found myself smiling through this whole post. I could relate to so much of the ups and downs of life with littles. Keep up the good work mama!!


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