Happy 1st Birthday Lila Liz
Birth 1 Year
7lbs 5oz 17lbs 14oz
19.5 inches 29 inches
Happy Birthday Lil Lila!!!!
I think she decided she would give me a gift....she's sleeping through the night! She protested a couple nights, but finally gave in and is now silent 7:30pm-6:30am. It's AMAZING how a full nights sleep can make me feel like a new person. My body actually had a little trouble remaining asleep all night the first few nights. It was almost like I was getting too much sleep.
This girl is an eater. In the morning it is common for her to polish off at least 1 scrambled egg. She's a huge fan of toast and sausage and pretty much all other breakfast items. She enjoys all fruit (except bananas) and vegetables! I've also started giving her whole milk during the day. She still nurses about 3 times a day and I nurse her to sleep at night.
I love this age as she is really gaining independence and a voice. She is quick to point out an object (drink, toy, Paisley) and grunt. A few things she says are;
Zeezee (Paisley)
KeeKee (kitty)
Ba (bite if we are at the table, book if she's holding a book towards me)
She loves holding her sippy cup and drinking cold water. She loves her dolls and cuddles them so sweetly. She continues to be enamored with her brother and laughs at everything he does. She's ticklish and loves splashing about in the bath rub.
She had a bit of a fever this month that lasted over 48 hours. I chalked it up to teething. She now has 5 teeth, 3 on top, 2 on bottom. She also had her first overnight at Nana and Poppa's without me!! Mom was pretty happy she slept all night!
Little sister is an animal lover! She loves when kitty sits in the window and she can stare eye to eye with him. We go to the zoo frequently and she holds her hand out to each and every animal. She prefers animals to strangers and is hesitant to let anyone outside the immediate family hold her. Crawling is her preferred method of getting from place to place. She has taken a single step, but then falls to the ground and crawls.
She isn't a great day napper...sometimes falling asleep to wake up 15 minutes later and not shutting her eyes again until nightfall. Those make for some long days! I love dressing her up, sticking a bow in her hair and parading around town with her. She's my little sidekick and happiest in my arms.
I have Lila in cloth diapers when we are home and switch to paper when we are out and about. She continues to be much harder headed about potty training then Paisley. We continue to have roughly 70% success with peeing in the potty, but only 50% success with #2. I am hoping that changes soon!!
As she drifts off to sleep she buries her hand in my hair and starts to twist it. I can't imagine where she picked that trait up. I put her in her crib with her blankie and stuffed bunny. She quickly rolls onto her stomach and buries her hands beneath her. She is so much like her momma...
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