Peace be with You

I can not imagine the pain the families feel, knowing they have kissed their child(ren) for the last time.  I attempt to put myself in their shoes and the pain is unreal.  The Christmas presents that are wrapped, sitting under their tree that will never be opened.  The clothes hanging in their closet that won't be worn again.  So much sadness and the inability to comprehend this action, this Momma's heart is torn in two.

I've had to remind both myself and my husband that there is good in this world.  We come into contact with good people everyday.  We surround ourselves with loving, caring, warm friends.  We do good deeds for others and donate our time and money to charities.  But those aren't the things you hear about on the news.  Be good to one another, help one another, love one another.

To those in Connecticut and those affected by this tragedy, I offer my prayers and tears. I have cried alongside you as the news shows the faces of your beautiful children.  I pray you find peace and find comfort at the fact you will be reunited with your babies again.  May God hold you in the palm of his hands.  I am so sorry for your loss.

Isaiah 40:11 - He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry [them] in his bosom, [and] shall gently lead those that are young.


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