Little Fish Turns One!!!

From then...
to now... 
This is the 12th post I've created detailing the happenings of our little fish...12 months of sharing our home, our hearts, everything we have with this tiny miracle.  12 months have come and gone in the blink of eye...12 months of tears, laughter, sleepless nights, countless snuggles, and unconditional love.  These past 12 months have been indescribable.

Birth Stats         12 Month Stats
6lbs. 5.9oz           20 lbs. 7oz.
19 inches long     30  3/4th inches long

This lucky little boy got to celebrate his birthday on 3 different occasions, but the birthday celebrations deserve a blog of their that will come shortly!  In the meantime, here is what our 1 year old has been up to;

Dancing (Baby boy LOVES dancing/music!)
Playing (This kid will push a truck, shoe, or onesie all over the house and back, while making truck noises)
Growing his bottom 2 teeth
Growing his top 2 teeth
Cutting Molars
Pointing out objects "monkey" and "trucks" are his favorites
Responding to questions by shaking his head (usually "No")
Making funny faces

Little guy is BUSY!  I capitalize that word because it sums up our kiddo.  From the second he wakes up, he crawls off to the nearest toy, sometimes before he even has his eyes open.  Now that he is a walker, he will walk from room to room, stumbling like he's been hitting the bottle, and I'm not talking about the milk bottle!
Paisley still nurses twice a day.  It's the last thing he does before falling asleep and he nurses again once at night, usually around 4am.  Yes, you read that right, baby boy STILL gets up once a night.  While it's not ideal, I really don't mind getting up once a night.  He's not going to need me forever so I'm going to enjoy this time. 

He is an awesome eater!!!  He will eat anything and everything that is put in front of him.  He will actually shove a fistful of food in his mouth if his dad or I don't stop him.  He loves drinking milk and ice water out of a sippy cup.  He always wants to try what his Daddy and I are drinking.  We have let him sip some chocolate milk and lemonade.  Naturally he liked both. 
I don't have time to sit! I need to PLAY!!
Paisley has also become quite the little jabberwalkie!  He is constantly walking around saying "Dada" and "Momma."  He also throws in a Ba Ba Ba occasionally.  And when he wants something, that boy will point at it and wants it immediately!

We are still wearing cloth diapers as we haven't mastered peeing on the potty 100% of the time yet.  And finally he has signed to go potty when he had to do a #2 and we were in the car!   So progress is being made.  Have I mentioned that I LOVE not changing poopy diapers. 

I've packed up most of the infant toys at this point, his King Nepetune's underwater adventure play mat, the rain forest jumperoo, and some of his rattles have been lovingly packed away in bins.  I had to make room for his birthday gifts!  He's currently wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 4 shoes.  It just blows my mind how much this little guy has grown and changed in the past 12 months!

He gets cuter and funnier with each passing day.  Even thought he's now my big 1 year old, he's still "just my baby."  And I love that baby more than anything..
Here's looking at you kid...
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  1. Oh my he is precious! And those eyes! Happy birthday little guy!


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