Marry Me Today and Every Day

Music has the amazing ability to stir up an old memory, put goose bumps on your arms, or maybe even bring a tear to your eye. Recently while driving home from work, I had that very thing happen. I had never heard the song before, but it basically summed up the story of a guy and girl that met in a café. Sounds like the story of a guy named Scott and a girl named Kara to me. Here’s the song;

Forever can never be long enough for me

Feel like I've had long enough with you

Forget the world now we won't let them see

But there's one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted

Love has surely shifted my way

Marry Me

Today and every day

Marry Me

If I ever get the nerve to say

Hello in this cafe

Say you will

Say you will

Together can never be close enough for me

Feel like I am close enough to you

You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love

And you're beautiful

Now that the wait is over

And love and has finally shown her my way

Marry me

Today and every day

Marry me

If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe

Say you will

Say you will

Promise me

You'll always be

Happy by my side

I promise to

Sing to you

When all the music dies

And marry me

Today and everyday

Marry me

If I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe

Say you will

Say you will

Marry me

As most of you know, Scott (thankfully) had the nerve to say hello in that cafe. He even bought my coffee that life altering day. It’s been almost six months since our wedding and I still want to marry him every day.

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  1. Awwwww super sweet!! I don't remember that big pic of your profile. Cute!!
    love you!!

  2. Kara, pleased-to-meet-cha! What a fun place this is . . . I'll be "stopping by" now and then just to say hi! Thanks for the comment on my blog - it's amazing to me to see how many new friends I make this way. Happy weekend to ya!

  3. Oh Kara Elizabeth, how beautiful!!! Loved it!!! Momma

  4. Really nice and beautiful couple I wish to god These are safe forever.

  5. the Really nice and beautiful couple I wish to god These are safe forever....

  6. Thanks for the comment on my blog - it's amazing to me to see how many new friends I make this way. Happy weekend to ya!


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