Back to School and our Pencils are Sharp!

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a nervous wreck the first day of Pre-K. It's not because it was Paisley's first time going to school or because I was worried he wouldn't do well; we were entering into a "big" school, the local elementary school. Gone were the days of the private nursery school and here we were with supply lists and book fees. I wasn't ready, but the little guy was. And that's all that mattered. I think I was embarrassing him The day before his first day of school, Paisley asked if we could run into town to get a few things he "needed" for school. Knowing we had already purchased his school supplies, I asked what items he needed. His response, "bath gel (peach scented) and a haircut." How could I deny a boy who wanted to be well groomed and smell good? Scott and I were very upbeat and excited towards Paisley about his first day at his new school. I swallowed my fear and put on a smile as we ate a ...