Thank You

The end of the year brings with it a look back on the past 365 days. This year will go down in our family history book as being one heck of a roller coaster ride. From surprise to elation, to excitement and fear, to dread and anticipation, to hope and relief. Some of you have been with us from the beginning. For you, I write this blog… This year has been a learning experience. To name a few; I learned how to be a stronger person, how to be a better friend, and how to support the ones you love, and I learned these lessons from some of you. When complications from my pregnancy first arose ; -For those of you that met me at Starbucks and helped quiet my fears -For those at you that would come into my cube and pray with me for health and peace -For those of you that brought fruit to my desk “just because” -For those of you that dropped your work to sit with me when I couldn’t stop crying THANK YOU During my six week of bed rest at home ; -For those of you that st...